
We at the Royal Textile Academy are truly thankful for the unwavering support of our donors. Together, we can preserve and promote Bhutanese textile traditions. If you wish to donate, the financial contributions can be made via Bhutan National Bank, Thimphu.
To transfer money from outside Bhutan, please request your bank to remit to the following address:
Correspondent Bank:
Standard Chartered Bank Ltd.
One Madison Avenue, New York
NY 10010-3603
Swift Code: SCBLUS33
CHIPS ABA No: 0256
FED ABA: 026002561
Beneficiary Bank:
Bhutan National Bank, PO Box: 439
GPO Building, Chang Lam, Thimphu –ย  Bhutan
Swift Code: BNBTBTBT
Account No: 358-202-171-9001 (USD A/c)
Ultimate Beneficiary:
Royal Textile Academy
Bhutan National Bank, Thimphu – Bhutan
Account No: 641412981 (USD A/c)