Local designers compete in National Design Competition

Textiles that ranked highest in aesthetic, technicality and skills, and marketability bagged most awards at the National Design Competition. The competition, held through a Fashion Show in the capital, brought together more than 50 designers yesterday. The awards were given by Her Majesty the Queen Mother, Sangay Choden Wangchuck.

The winning entries, which came from all over the country, were judged by the textile experts over the period of one month. The awardees took home the prize money of Nu 50,000, 30,000 and 10,000 respectively in Gho, Kira and embroidery category.

According to the Textile Museum Chief Curator, textiles in the country have improved tremendously ever since the National Design Competition began in 2002. She cited instances where Bhutanese textiles now have varieties in its design that are intricate, colours, and their originality and finishing.

Due to lack of budget the annual fashion was put-off for two years. However, the Executive Director of Royal Textile Academy, Rinzin Ongmo Dorji, said the show this year, has not stopped encouraging preservation and promotion of countryโ€™s rich textile history.

The meritorious prizes were also given to the selected weavers at the event. The show was organised with funds from Royal Textile Academy.

Source: BBS
